Tridium's COMPLETE Renovation Material List


Congrats! You bought an investment property!

Now it’s time to renovate and you don’t know where to start. Where do I shop? What materials do I buy? Sound familiar? You’re not alone!

Buying properties is the EASY part, but we see so many people get stuck when it comes to renovating. And it’s so easy to waste time and money searching for products, shopping, and planning.

Did you know that on the average flip, you could spend 100 HOURS on design choices, shopping, planning, and choosing your renovation materials. YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO!

Here you get get our TRIDIUM TESTED Renovation Material List. This includes every single material that we’ve used on our renovations and flips and where to buy them! These materials have been used and tested, and they look great! This list has been adapted for Home Depot materials only - so it can be used no matter where your project is located.

Stop wasting your time on something that can be on auto-pilot - you’ve got bigger things to focus on!

You’ll get an INSTANT Digital Download PDF, as well as a LIVE Google Sheets Template.

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